Can a boring investment yield a high return?

Can a boring investment yield a high return?
About Cannect MIC
What is a MIC ?
Why choose Cannect MIC ?
Lower fees,
no middlemen
Unbiased guidance from non-commissioned staff
High returns compared to fixed income investments
Lowest Loan To Value mortgages in the industry

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Make Money Count Podcast
Our podcast will give you insight into Cannect MIC’s success
Cannect Mortgage Investment Fund - #1 Reason To Invest
Industry-Leading Loan to Value – Reason to Invest #2
Earn Profit On Day 1 – Reason to Invest #3
Investing with Cannect

Cannect works with Meadowbank to offer access to investors of all backgrounds. Established in 2006, Meadowbank Asset Management Inc is registered with the Ontario Securities Commission as a portfolio manager and exempt market dealer (EMD)

Central 1 Trust Company acts as trustee for Cannect Invest registered accounts, such as RRSPs, TFSAs, and more. Central 1 provides financial, digital banking, and payment services to over 250 financial institutions across Canada.

Hogg, Shain & Scheck is a boutique professional services firm providing audit, tax, and advisory services to not-for-profits, corporations, and entrepreneurs in the GTA and across southern Ontario for over 43 years. Through our exceptionally high quality, insightful, and personalized service, we are devoted to helping our clients thrive.